Intermezzo – Magarul lui Avraam


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  1. In my opinion, there are no absurdities in the Bible that faith and common sense cannot resolve.

    The absurdities arise when one applies too much absolute “rationality,” too much reading between the lines (where no text actually exists, by the way), when we choose not to accept God in the way the Bible describes Him because He doesn’t fit our perceived ideals, and when we rule out belief/faith in the supernatural miracle-working power of God. All this amounts to doubt, followed by seeking an alternative where there is no alternative.

    Being original and coming up with a private interpretation – rather than adding to the large existing body of accepted truth – is not likely to be productive in the long term; a monumental task that is unlikely to bear good fruit. I respect the dedication to the efforts even though I don’t subscribe to their validity.

    Jesus stated if we can’t believe Moses, we won’t believe Him either. We might as well throw it all away, as the good doctor says is happening.

    The problem isn’t absurdities in the Bible, it is a lack of faith and the direct result of living in an exceedingly sinful generation that is increasingly deaf to the pleadings of the Holy Spirit. Proof that we are living in the last days.

    On a final note, I’m wondering who was keeping track of the time? Perhaps the good doctor needs his own segment, that way he doesn’t interrupt his guest, sidetrack, deflect or otherwise change direction midway through his ideas being demolished in simple fashion by my uncle (yes, I’m biased… as is everyone else).

    I enjoyed the show!

  2. @andrei

    In my opinion, there are no absurdities in the Bible that faith and common sense cannot resolve.

    The problem isn’t absurdities in the Bible, it is a lack of faith …

    Are you saying that you have such a faith that it can completely override your mind? Why did God give us our minds if he expects from us faith that completely shuts off the mind? Did God give us our minds so that atheists use them to mock the Bible and God? And if you have faith, why do you need common sense? To tell you that you cannot possibly ride a donkey and its baby at the same time? I hope you try to figure out what kind of god you are serving before it is too late.

  3. @ Aurel Ionica

    “Are you saying that you have such a faith that it can completely override your mind?”

    Not at all. Both faith and the powers of reasoning are God-given. They do not conflict unless a significant imbalance exists in either one. This is why we are instructed not to rely only on our own understanding, but to acknowledge Him in all our ways. This implies exercising faith. Why is this a difficult concept?

    “Why did God give us our minds if he expects from us faith that completely shuts off the mind?”

    It is a false assertion to say that He did. Rather, He expects us to exercise both to the best of our ability while trusting in His love, wisdom and how He has revealed Himself to us in past life experiences. Surely you can recount at least a few times when He has intervened in your life. I’m only 38 but I can name at least a dozen examples.

    “Did God give us our minds so that atheists use them to mock the Bible and God?”

    Atheists are willfully blind, as we’ve discussed already. They close their eyes and ears so they cannot see nor hear. Their pride and arrogance leads them to do this regardless of what interpretation of the Bible one chooses to adhere to. Further, we have been told two thousand years ago even that there would be scoffers and those who would mock God in the last days. Our focus should not be to radically change what the Bible says in an attempt to win them over. God does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    “And if you have faith, why do you need common sense? To tell you that you cannot possibly ride a donkey and its baby at the same time?”

    Details that vary with each Gospel witness account, of no real consequence in the scheme of things. More importantly and to answer your question, God gives gifts as He sees fit. To some, He gives wisdom, to some riches, to some a long life, to some faith that is without equal, to some musical talents, poetry, etc. Plenty of people walking this earth with sufficient faith and common sense. Do you need specific examples or is it not a self-evident reality?

    “I hope you try to figure out what kind of god you are serving before it is too late.”

    Rest assured, “For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that Day.”

    On a completely different subject, you might be delighted to hear the good news:

  4. @Aurel

    Fundamentalistii ca Laiu n-au nevoie de R-“blockers” fiindca ei sunt obisnuiti sa inghita “prin credinta” orice detaliu din text care nu se potriveste, fiindca ei stiu ca Biblia-i “inspirata” si are valoare numa’ daca scriitorii au scris-o pentru prosti si lenesi, si deci ei nu trebuie sa-si bata capu’ prea mult cu “chestiuni” care oricum “nu sunt asa de importante”… Si ei n-au nevoie nici sa priceapa cum e cu RR-urile tale, fiindca ei au si traiesc deja-n unu’ si se “simt” bine merci in el, mai ales ca-n RR-ul lor n-au alta treaba decat sa “pray, obey & pay” pana vine Domnu’ pe norii cerului ca sa le dea “mantuirea”… Pai ce, doar n-o sa-si schimbe acuma crezu’ cu unu in care Domnu’ le zice ca s-a razgandit si nu mai vine pe nori ci vine direct in capu’ lor si ca de-asta trebuie sa-nvete sa-si foloseasca rationalitatea din dotare… ?
    Daca tu chiar chiar vrei sa te ia-n serios si sa “creada” ca Domnu te-a trimis sa le deschizi mintea si sa-i ajuti sa priceapa Scriptura intr-un mod nou, ne-mai-auzit si ne-mai-citit, fa si tu acolo o minune… un magar, cu sau fara manz, ori un sarpe macar… ca daca nu, ajungi rapid pe mana “balaurului” – cu toiag cu tot… 🙂

  5. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Csavdari, nor does it seem I will since he refers to my comment as if I’m not in the (virtual) room.

    No matter. Everything I need to know about the former pastor is found here and here

    My father is the wisest man I know and he taught me not to generalize. Calling most Christians “lazy and stupid” is a blanket generalization he should have avoided. Too bad, for it neither helps their theology being accepted, nor does it help others perceive them as welcoming or inviting.

    I guess nothing should surprise me, coming from a former pastor.

    “To the law and the testimony! If they speak not according to these it is because there is no light in them.”

  6. @Paul

    Si ei n-au nevoie nici sa priceapa cum e cu RR-urile tale, fiindca ei au si traiesc deja-n unu’ si se “simt” bine merci in el, …

    Paul, te inseli, nici unul dintre fundamentalisti nu se simte bine si nici Edi cu ateiii lui nu se simt bine si din cauza asta au nevoie de profesionisiti ai palavragelii ca sa le “rationalizeze” timpeniile pe care le au in cap, de care sunt constienti, dar tipa cit ii tin bojocii ca au credinta traznet unde nu este umbra de intoiala sau au “gindire stiintifica” unde nu poate exita dubiu deoarece totul este numai fapte verificate. Singurii care se simt cu adevarat bine sunt cei ca tine si ca mine care am descoperit acest chip al lui Dumnezeu in noi care este rationalitatea si nu mai depindem de vrajitori ala Harry Potter pentru a sti cum sa traim si sa fim fericiti. Ia-le oxigenatilor si fundamentalistilor predicuta cea de toate zilele si incep sa intre-n panica deoarece li se duce de ripa si “credinta,” si “gindirea stiintifica.”

  7. “…incep sa intre-n panica deoarece li se duce de ripa si “credinta,” si “gindirea stiintifica.”

    Scuzați-mă, a durat puțin până a mă opri din râs.

    Nu contează dacă am – nu una, ba chiar două – diplome in știință. Mai este lungă cale până să intru în orice fel de panică.

    Nu uitați să incuiați bine ușa la camera de ecou în care vă aflați. Nu cumva să intre vreun prost sau leneș.

  8. @andrei

    Eu am fost “rastignit” demult si-am “murit” fata de orice se spune despre mine. Asa ca poti spune si crede ce vrei despre persoana mea, no hard feelings at all… 🙂

    Insa ce e interesant in discutia asta din camera cu “ecouri”, e ca te-ai sifonat rapid datorita comentariului meu fiindca am folosit expresia “prosti si lenesi” da’ nu te-ai sifonat deloc, ba dimpotriva, te “simti” foarte bine sa-l asculti pe unu’ ca Laiu care sustine exact acest lucru in emsiune cand discuta despre hermeneutica lui Aurel.

    Pai daca Aurel vine si sustine ca autorii bibliei au fost oameni destepti (ba chiar super-destepti) care au scris ce-au scris intr-un mod inteligent si prin urmare ca sa-i intelegi trebuie sa muncesti (din greu) si sa-ti bati capu’ cu textu’ si cu detaliile pe care ei le-au introdus in text, si-n special acele detalii care fac povestirea imposibila intr-o lume reala, adica cea in care traiam noi, si ca asta este “cheia” de a deschide si pricepe mesajul autorilor, iar Laiu vine si spune contrariul si ca el nu “intelege” de ce ar fi fost nevoie ca autorii sa faca asa ceva si ca dupa el cititul textului si intelegerea lui necesita numa’ credinta sa iei de bun ce zice textu’ si sa zici “haleluja si amin” la orice, nu e la mintea cocosului ca-n timp ce Aurel sustine tandemu’ destepti & harnici, Laiu sustine tandemu’ prosti si lenesi?… Ha?… 🙂

    PS. Eu spun exact ce gandesc, fie ca-ti place fie ca nu… !

  9. Paul,
    Cred ca ai dreptate, atit astia cu “credinta,” cit si cei cu “stiinta,” sunt complet imuni la orice li s-ar spune, si de aceea ei nu stiu decit sa rida cu gura pina la urechi deoarece ei sunt singurii destepti si au “adevarul” iar toti ceilalti sunt prosti. Problema este ca si astia cu “credinta” cit si aia cu “stiinta” cred in arme si-n pistoale si cred ca au misiunea sa curete lumea de toti ceilalti ca lumea sa fie doar plina de “credinta” iar ceilalti, sa fie plina doar de “stiinta,” ca ei nu pot fi fericiti decit cind lumea este plina doar de unii ca ei. Asa ca astia cu “credinta” se bat cu aia cu “stiinta” mai ceva decit in Harry Potter.

    In ce-l priveste pe Florin, eu n-asi fi chiar asa de sigur ca tine. El s-a apucat de studiul limbilor biblice cu mult inaintea mea si a facut-o din pasiune ca laic si nu pentru a fi popa asa cum tipa fratiijderi, spre deosebire de Edi care a fost un superficial si un oportunist si s-a facut popa doar pentru a minca o piine mai alba decit aia de tapinar sau de apicultor, si tot de asta s-a facut si “evolutionist.” Si Florin a crescut cu hermeneutica asta mostenita de la Aristotel si prezentata in cartea lui “peri hermeneia” cum ca cunosti cuvintele si gramatica si acum poti sa citesti orice text, si asta a studiat el toatata viata, cuvinte si gramatica, dar eu arat ca scrierea implica lucruri si reguli care merg dincolo de cuvinte si gramatica, si sa nu crezi ca Florin nu intelege. Eu nu stiu ce va face Florin cu ceea ce stie, asta este treaba lui, dar nu-ti face griji, vor fi invatati fundamentalisti care ii vor spune lui andrei s-o lase mai moale cu risul ca “credinta” aia a lui este cam oarba si nu prea are de-a face cu adevarurile Bibliei, dupa cum vor fi si experti in biologie si evolutionism care-i vor spune lui Edi sa o lase mai moale cu darwinismul ca el este cam habarnamist si nu stie ce vorbeste. Sa rizi, este usor, orice prost poate s-o faca; problema este cine ride la urma.

    1. @ all

      Eu vă rog, și vă avertizez, să reveniți la decență!

  10. @ Paul Csavdari

    “…Domnu’ le zice ca s-a razgandit si nu mai vine pe nori ci vine direct in capu’ lor…”

    Wow, just wow…

    “Eu spun exact ce gandesc, fie ca-ti place fie ca nu…”

    Perhaps more thinking and less talking would be beneficial for us all.

    Speaking of which, are you proficient in the gift of “speaking in tongues?” I hear it is a requirement before one can be baptized into the Oneness group and especially a requirement to be saved!

  11. @andrei

    Yes, of course I do… 🙂

    And therefore my tongue is quite sharp. So, it’s best to listen to your father and put an end to this mockery. I respect his desire and as long as I see that Aurel and what he is saying is dealt with due respect, I’ll not comment anymore. Otherwise, please notice that I’ve got also the gift of working miracles and I’ll transform my stick into a serpent. So, please take care!… 🙂

    1. Ideea nu este “să nu se comenteze” ci, așa cum am vorbit și cu dl. Ionica la telefon, să se comenteze ideile, nu oamenii.

  12. @ Paul Csavdari

    “Yes, of course I do… And therefore my tongue is quite sharp.”

    Too funny! Let’s hope your wit is equally sharp. 🙂

    As to the question I posed, it was not in mockery but an honest one: do you believe in and practice glossolalia? A simple yes or no will suffice.

    And I assure you, Dr. Ionica doesn’t require defending as no one is attacking him. We are debating ideas and beliefs, exactly as my father suggested. Therefore the question posed to you is a valid one.

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