I recently watched and enjoyed the “Edi and American democracy” video, and wanted to add some comments: 1) America, as founded, is a constitutional republic. The Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights specifically) does not merely list the rights of all Americans, rather it was written to point out that those rights are in …
Category: Articles (English)
Jul 17
How good is a model?
“Pandemic politics highlight how predictions need to be transparent and humble to invite insight, not blame.“ One wonders why this “admonition” would be necessary, unless of course science and scientists themselves are often driven by ideology, money, or other self-serving interests to come to certain conclusions. While this commentary is squarely aimed at the COVID-19 …
Sep 02
Creation – Thesis 6
In my previous article I mentioned that “to examine critically the doctrine of inspiration, especially by a lay member of the church, is looked upon with suspicion, if not anger, by theologians. For them, the main issue is authority. By claiming the authority of the Bible based on inspiration, they actually claim authority for themselves and …
May 20
Creation – Thesis 5
While the first four statements on Creation may be easily accepted by most Christians, conservative and liberals alike, in the following articles, 5 through 10, I will tread on dangerous waters, so to speak, because we will be dealing with the exegesis and hermeneutics of the Bible and especially with the Book of Genesis. I am aware that touching on …
Feb 18
Creation – Thesis 4
Thesis 4: We believe life is God’s gift. However, we do not claim to know fully its processes, capabilities, and development. We welcome the use of life sciences to better understand it. Science cannot deny God. In the previous post I submitted to you the idea that we, as part of Creation, cannot fully understand …
Feb 04
Creation – Thesis 3
Thesis 3: Since we are created beings, we cannot fully understand the Creation. We are not attempting a definition or description of Creation, its timing, process, scope, extensiveness, or future. Humans have always wanted to know more about themselves and the surrounding world. It is in our being to observe, to question, to look for answers, …
Jan 22
Creation – Thesis 2
Thesis 2: God is the Creator of everything there is. This means that we do not believe in the absoluteness of time, space, matter, energy, etc., but all of the above have been created ex-nihilo by God. Following the first thesis, where God is the only unmade, unborn, self-existing, eternal, and indescribable “I AM”, …
Jan 08
Creation – Thesis 1
In my previous post I listed ten theses that I thought could form a basis for a coherent creationist approach. Evidently, I use “thesis” and “theses” in their common usage such as “statement(s)”, or “idea(s)”. Given the concise format used in formulating these statements, I thought it would be necessary to explain them, one by …
Dec 31
A Complete Overhaul …(part two)
As I mentioned in the first article on this topic, just a few of my friends joined into the conversation on Facebook. Perhaps I cannot understand the true reasons of those who decided to be silent on the subject of Creation. From the comments of those who shared their opinion, I draw a few ideas …
Dec 07
A Complete Overhaul of Creationism is Needed!
One of the most challenging problems we face as SDA Christians in the 21st Century is the contradiction between our Creation model, the scientific data, and the secular evolutionist views regarding the origin of biological life. Our educated youth and adult members alike are leaving the church at an alarming rate due to this controversy …
Oct 26
A comment on “Dezamagiri”
This was too long of a comment to simply add under the previous post: I think it’s abundantly clear that Christianity as a whole has become bloated, complacent and “rusted” as noted. There are many reasons for this: a steadily declining moral atmosphere in the Western world and in America specifically, increased materialism and a …